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Tower of Iron Will

All who enter the Tower regain 100 sanity points.

Currently reading

Machine of Death: A Collection of Stories About People Who Know How They Will Die
Randall Munroe, James Foreman, K. Sekelsky, Camron Miller, John Chernega, David Michael Wharton, K.M. Lawrence, Jeffrey C. Wells, Vera Brosgol, Kit Yona, J. Jack Unrau, Jeff Stautz, Aaron Diaz, Matthew Bennardo, Yahtzee Croshaw, Douglas J. Lane, Brian Quinlan, Kate Beaton

The Wonderful World of Robert Sheckley

The Wonderful World of Robert Sheckley - Robert Sheckley Unless you are Douglas Adams, humorous science fiction is kind of a thankless task. Sheckley wrote many excellent SF stories that are often very funny, long before Adams came along, and this collection contains many of his best efforts.